An Uncertain Fate: Mexico’s Disappeared Students (Part 3)

Subscribe to VICE News here: On September 26, teaching students from the Ayotzinapa Normal School in Mexico were intercepted by police forces en route to a protest in Iguala. In the ensuing clash, six people were killed, and 43 Ayotzinapa students were taken away by the police. Investigations over the following weeks led to the startling allegations that the police had acted at the behest of the local mayor, and had turned over the abducted students to members of the Guerreros Unidos cartel. All 43 students are now feared dead. The case has come to represent the negative feeling of the Mexican public toward the state of justice and the rule of law in Mexico. The events have now galvanized the survivors of the attack and the disappeared students’ parents. Nationwide demonstrations have increased in intensity, and recently led to government buildings in the state of Guerrero to be set on fire. In the final episode, VICE News travels to Cocula, where another mass grave has been found, raising a new theory as to the fate of the 43 missing students, as protests in Mexico City against the president and government have reached boiling point. Watch Part 1 – Watch Part 2 – Check out “In Photos: The Ayotzinapa Normal School, Before and After the Disappearance of 43 Students” – Check out “Ayotzinapa: A Timeline of the Mass Disappearance That Has Shaken Mexico” – Watch “Murder and Migration in Honduras: Immigrant America” – Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Think You Can’t Afford a Butler? Alfred Could Prove You Wrong


Have you ever wished you had your own butler, like Bruce Wayne’s Alfred? Most people could use a little bit of help with their housework and chores now and again. But few have the money and resources to hire live-in help like Alfred. If you’re one of those people who could use some minor assistance, there’s a new solution that might want to consider.

Startup Alfred, named for the famous butler in Batman, aims to make hiring housework help affordable. At just $99 a month, an Alfred butler will come to your home to perform various chores like cleaning, sorting mail and folding laundry.

The business is also partnering with services like Instacart (a grocery delivery service), Washio (a laundry and dry-cleaning service), and handy (a housecleaning service). Alfred can coordinate and manage those various services so you don’t have to bother with contacting and coordinating with each one individually.

Co-founders Marcela Sapone and Jessica Beck first came up with the idea for Alfred during a brainstorming session at Harvard Business School. After they completed their assignment, they kept working on their idea and eventually dropped out of school to pursue it full time.

The concept of a butler isn’t exactly new. But providing just a little bit of help to ordinary people who could use the extra time during the week is something that seems to have pretty widespread appeal. Sapone told CNN:

“It’s a really good service for parents who work and are juggling a family. [And] for young professionals putting in a lot of hours [or] entrepreneurs who are busy trying to launch what they’re passionate about.”

All of Alfred’s workers have to undergo background checks and multiple rounds of interviews before starting. Currently, the service is only available in New York and Boston. But already the company has some 100 of these personal “Alfreds’ standing by waiting to help busy entrepreneurs, parents and professionals lighten their loads.

Butler Photo via Shutterstock

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VICE News Daily: Beyond The Headlines – November 25, 2014

Subscribe to VICE News here: The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines.​ Today: Georgia upset over ‘strategic partnership’ deal struck between Russia and its breakaway region of Abkhazia, maternity ward equipped to operate despite shelling in eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk, first 3D map of Antarctic sea ice could help scientists better understand climate change, and Syrian state TV channel claims it broke world record for longest live talk show. GEORGIA Russia-Abkhazia Deal Sparks Suspicions of Moscow’s Intentions Georgia’s foreign minister says the Kremlin is looking to annex the breakaway region as it did with Crimea. UKRAINE Maternity Ward Fitted to Withstand Shelling in Donetsk Underground cellar equipped with cots and ventilators for newborns should the hospital come under attack. ANTARCTICA 3D Map Could Improve Understanding of Climate Change Scientists found that not only is the region’s sea ice expanding, it is far thicker than previously thought. They believe measuring ice depth could help them create more accurate models of global warming. SYRIA Guinness World Record or Publicity Stunt? State-owned TV channel claims it beat record for longest live talk show, and that despite the war life goes on for the Syrian people. Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 02:50 More in News & Politics

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VICE News Daily: Beyond The Headlines – November 27, 2014

Subscribe to VICE News here: The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines.​ Today: Gunmen kill four polio workers in southwest Pakistan, Syrian government bombs Islamic State stronghold in Raqqa, Colombian prisons use the arts to rehabilitate inmates, and Peruvian authorities find almost 800 pounds of cocaine inside crashed Bolivian plane. PAKISTAN Militants Kill Four Polio Workers in Quetta The Taliban banned vaccination programs two years ago. New cases of the virus have more than quadrupled since last year. SYRIA Government Air Strikes Hit Islamic State Stronghold in Raqqa Multiple sources claim nearly 100 people, including civilians, were killed in the attacks on Tuesday. COLOMBIA Bogota Prisons Rehabilitate Inmates With Theatre For the second year in a row, prisoners performed plays at the National Theatre in the Colombian capital. PERU Cocaine Shipment Intercepted After Bolivian Plane Crash Authorities seized nearly 800 pounds of cocaine found inside the single-engine Cessna. Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 02:21 More in News & Politics

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Raw Coverage from Ferguson After Grand Jury Decision

Read more on VICE News: VICE News reporter Danny Gold reported live from the streets of Ferguson to report on the community’s reaction to the grand jury verdict in the case of Darren Wilson and Michael Brown. Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 05:38:04 More in News & Politics

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Preparing for the Worst: State of Emergency – Ferguson, Missouri (Dispatch 9)

Subscribe to VICE News here: In Dispatch 9, VICE News is in Clayton, Missouri, where the grand jury has reportedly reached a decision as to whether Officer Darren Wilson should be indicted. As businesses in the area board up their stores in anticipation of the decision being announced, wine store owner Al Prince fears his store will be a major target, and is preparing for the worst. Check out “Pentagon Orders Military to Avoid St. Louis Area Ahead of Ferguson Grand Jury Decision” – Check Out “Ferguson’s State of Emergency Proves America’s Social Contract Has Been Broken” – Watch “State of Emergency – Ferguson, Missouri (Dispatch 8)” – Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 07:22 More in News & Politics

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Get Customers to Fall in Love With Your Products

fall in love with your products

Most ecommerce business owners want consumers to like their products. But according to Bayard Winthrop, founder and CEO of American Giant, that shouldn’t be your goal. Consumer attitudes are changing. They no longer just want cheap and easy products. They want quality. They want an experience. They want to buy products they truly love.

So the question remains — how do you get your customers to fall in love with your products instead of just liking them? That’s a question Wintrop explores in a book he recently co-wrote with Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers partner Randy Komisar called, “I F**king Love That Company.”

In an interview with Fox Business, Winthrop spoke about the book and about the changing landscape of the ecommerce industry. He said that for too long, businesses have focused on scaling their business at the expense of building a quality product or service. Companies spent their resources expanding to new location and building their marketing campaigns instead of improving their products or services. And for many years, that helped big businesses grow.

But about 10 to 15 years ago, consumer focus shifted. And with it, technology offered businesses the ability to improve their product instead of spending their money on new locations and traditional marketing tactics.

When companies are able to re-allocate those resources into improving the customer experience, they create more loyal customers. Those customers who love the experience they have with an ecommerce company are more likely to tell others about it. And that gives the companies they love an opportunity to grow even more while using even fewer resources.

According to Winthrop, that’s why companies like Warby Parker, Airbnb, Nasty Gal and his own American Giant have become so successful. He told Fox Business:

“There’s a whole list of people who are looking at ways to get better in services and products in the marketplace and doing it in new and fresh ways. They’re being very disruptive to the traditional retailers.“

Image: Giant

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Your Next iPhone May Take Photos Like A DSLR Camera

next iphone dslr camera

We’ve seen some rapid advancements in cameras for the smartphone in recent years. But to date, all these advancements have really only turned a smartphone camera into a moderate to high-end point-and-shoot.

The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom brought us a zoom lens attached to a smartphone. Earlier this year, Panasonic introduced the Lumix CM1. The 20-megapixel camera on that device almost makes the smartphone part an afterthought. And the HTC Desire Eye switched the high end emphasis to the front-facing camera. The resolution on the Desire Eye’s front camera is designed to create a higher quality selfie.

But there’s a new report suggesting Apple may be introducing the best smartphone camera yet. If and when Apple does unveil this camera that borders on DSLR quality, it likely would be with the introduction of the next iPhone.

That could be some time off, of course. The company only recently updated its flagship mobile device by releasing the iPhone 6 and the new iPhone 6 Plus phablet.

John Gruber at Daring Fireball reported in a recent edition of his podcast “The Talk Show” that he’s privy to a rumor suggesting Apple is working on a unique camera to add to the next iPhone it manufactures. On his podcast, Gruber says “a birdie of a birdie” told him that the new iPhone’s camera would use a “two-lens system” that helps the rear-facing camera take pictures with DSLR quality.

That would be similar to technology currently being used on the HTC One M8, according to a MacRumors report. On that smartphone, the second lens is used to gather more image information to send to the first lens. The two-lens system on the HTC One M8 allows someone taking a photo to shift the focus. also believes that if Apple does adopt a two-lens solution to produce DSLR-quality images, it may use technology being produced by a company called Corephotonics. With Corephotonics’ technology, each lens captures an image at different zoom levels. This allows a zoom-like feature without the moving parts needed in traditional digital single-lens reflex cameras.

Here’s an overview of the technology from CNET:

The dual lens system combines two 13 megapixel cameras — one a wide-angle lens, the other a telephoto — that, when combined, produce an image quality three times that of optical zoom.

If is correct in its assumptions, the new DSLR-quality camera would be included on the next iPhone — likely the iPhone 6S. If Apple stays true to its recent release schedule, that phone might be making an appearance at the end of next year.

Smartphone Photo via Shutterstock

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A Fugitive and his Family: Escape to the Islamic State

Subscribe to VICE News here: Abu Rumaysah, also known as Siddhartha Dhar, is reported to have traveled to Syria with his family after fleeing the UK while on conditional bail. The Islamist convert was one of nine people arrested on September 25 on suspicion of supporting the banned terrorist organization al Muhajiroun. Two days after his arrest, Rumaysah failed to comply with bail conditions requiring him to hand in his travel documents and instead boarded a coach from London to Paris with his wife and four children, which was reportedly headed for Syria. After weeks of speculation concerning his whereabouts, Rumaysah posted an image to Twitter showing him posing with a baby and an automatic rifle. He claimed that he had made it to the Islamic State. “What a shoddy security system Britain must have to allow me to breeze through Europe to the Islamic State,” he wrote. VICE News spent time with Abu Rumaysah before he fled to find out more about his activities in imposing Sharia law in the UK and his views on foreign policy. We also interviewed radical preacher Anjem Choudary, who was arrested on the same charge, and spoke with him about Rumaysah’s exit from the UK. Check out “Countries That Pay Ransoms for Islamic State Hostages Might Be in Trouble With the UN” – Check out “Two Brits Latest to Join Kurdish Fighters Battling the Islamic State in Syria” – Watch “London’s Holy Turf War” – Watch “The Islamic State (Full Length) – Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 07:35 More in News & Politics

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