Nimble Smart Contacts Builds Profiles on the Fly

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Nimble announced launch of its Smart Contacts app today May 6. The app is designed to automatically create live contacts and company profiles on the fly.

Where are you storing your contact information?

Jon Ferrara, the founder of Nimble, says if you’re like a lot of other small business owners, it’s a in spreadsheet or your inbox or somewhere else.

It’s here, there, and … you guessed it, everywhere.

“Today, they are literally strewn all over the place,” Ferrara remarked to Small Business Trends in a recent interview.

Ferrara says that Smart Contacts “automagically” builds your own CRM (Customer Relationship Management) database simply based on your browsing activity.

As you’re browsing the Web, Smart Contacts is open along the right side of your open window. It’s job is to follow your cursor and react.

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As you hover over names, Smart Contacts detects company and brand affiliations and begins to scour Nimble and the Web for more information.

“It works for you everywhere you work,” Ferrara told Small Business Trends. He said Smart Contacts “takes your contacts with you” as you peruse the Web.

If a contact has a Nimble profile already, he or she will be added to your database in a second. If they don’t, you can trigger Smart Contacts to begin building a live profile.

In a few seconds, you have more than enough information accumulated in the Smart Contacts app to build a proper CRM profile.

And as you continue to browse the Web, that Smart Contacts profile you’re building on one connection continues to update. It’s updating even as you’re building a profile on someone else.

The Smart Contacts app also tracks your interactions with people in your contacts list.

That’s really the drive behind creating Smart Contacts. Ferrara told Small Business Trends that one of the fatal mistakes a small business owner makes is not keeping up with their contacts. A lot of those contacts are customers, after all.

Ferrara says that cobbling together information on a contact is a workload on its own.

“You basically have to do all the work of Googling who somebody is and then going, logging that in your database and then engaging on whatever channel is effective for your customer,” he added.

“Today, it’s not just your inbox. It’s whatever channel your customers are having conversations on. Then try to make sense of that with some sort of social dashboard and then go log what you do in the CRM,” Ferrera said.

So rather than doing all that work, Smart Contacts tries to do it for you. The app is now available to all Nimble subscribers.

Images: Nimble

This article, “Nimble Smart Contacts Builds Profiles on the Fly” was first published on Small Business Trends

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