25 Resources Keep You Fresh, Focused and Formidable


The importance of being fresh, focused and formidable is undeniable in life and business.

Building personal relationships and connections, tribes and communities is a fact of professional life, both in person and online. We have these two amazingly diverse and complementary worlds that we live, work and play in. The potential, benefit, and tangible rewards of having both to use for communication is astounding.

The real challenge and commitment is how we keep things fresh, so that we stay motivated and people will continually engage with our content, work and activity.

If you are consistently bringing people to your website, blog, YouTube channel and social platforms make sure they are as real-time as possible.  I love working with and being around small business solopreneurs and entrepreneurs, especially today. This is a choice that not everyone is cut out for, as it requires extraordinary qualities and a diverse toolbox.

If you are in that coveted 20 percent of the 80/20 rule, then accessing and leveraging all the motivation and smart tools you can to keep your brand growing, fresh and formidable is a must!

13 Principles to Keep You Focused and Formidable

  • Faith in your vision and purpose
  • Courage to live authentically
  • Positivity that there is a silver lining in everything
  • Perseverance to keep going no matter what especially when you believe
  • Resilience because everything you need is already inside you
  • Flexibility to yield to the winds
  • Generosity to pay forward, give back
  • Innovation to try new ways, approaches, ideas
  • Hope to gravitate toward the good and share it with others
  • Poise to stand tall and be proud of your integrity
  • Intuition to go with those guts that are usually right
  • Respect for yourself and others to build your self esteem and encourage others
  • Benevolence to show an overall sense of kindness and tolerance for all people

12 Website Resources that can Keep You Fresh and Up-to-Date

Keeping things fresh, relevant and up to date starts between your ears! It’s an attitude and a decision that we cultivate and must practice regularly.

When I put myself in the stream of positivity and possibility, it naturally picks me up and points me and leads me in the direction I am supposed to be going! It’s kind of an amazing faith and trust in things we see working that we know are possible for us.

Refresh, renew and review regularly. Take breaks and go within and continue to be curious and open to change.

Remember to “trust the why” and these fundamentals and values will get you through anything. That was what Rocky Balboa was all about, and why he was a formidable champion.

Rocky Balboa Image via Shutterstock

This article, “25 Resources Keep You Fresh, Focused and Formidable” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/04/25-resources-keep-you-fresh-focused-and.html