Want Leads? Use YouTube Remarketing


Remarketing on YouTube has become almost as commonplace as remarketing on the Web. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine with over 1 billion active users each month. Perfecting your marketing strategy for such a large platform can have huge benefits for companies, and what many are realizing is that the remarketing aspect of YouTube has huge potential.

It’s ultimately a great way to get a viewer — whether they clicked on your video, subscribed to your channel, unsubscribed from your channel, viewed your in-stream ads, etc. — coming back to your channel as you upload new videos. In the end, this is a great way to generate more quality leads to help you drive your business growth forward.

Why YouTube Remarketing Gets Better Leads

The reason YouTube is so great for remarketing is not only the fact that they have a large audience, but the platform (or search engine) itself allows you to create remarketing lists of target audiences based on the type of content a viewer generally watches — even if that content isn’t yours. This offers you several different benefits, many of which are either weaker or simply don’t exist when thinking about remarketing on Google:

  • Better ROI. Remarketing almost always has better results than simply putting out an advertisement to hook new consumers. You can also optimize for cost-per-view as opposed to using impressions or the number of times your video displays in order to yield a higher ROI. You can learn more about how to maximize your ROI here.
  • Longer ads. Instead of social media where you only have a few sentences to get someone’s attention or an ad where you have a character limit, you have 30 seconds to make your case in a video as opposed to a static ad and image.
  • Video popularity is growing. According to an Adelie Studios article, the average Internet user spends 88 percent more time on a website with video. With more and more people interested in watching videos over reading articles, there is a good chance you’ll reach an entirely new and relevant group of people (in addition to the large number of visitors discussed earlier).
  • Location targeting. YouTube is very helpful when it comes to location targeting, much like other remarketing campaigns you may run on other platforms.
  • Brand Awareness. In other words, traditional remarketing benefits. This includes staying on a viewer’s radar and capturing their attention frequently. It helps build brand awareness and gives targeted users more repeated options to engage with your brand, YouTube or otherwise.

So what does this have to do with leads? For starters, all of the points mentioned above will help bring people back to your page and hopefully help people engage with your page. Because of the nature of YouTube and the enhanced features of AdWords remarketing (discussed above), you can remarket to anyone who shares your video.

How to Create a Successful YouTube Remarketing Strategy

You can get started with remarketing by using the new AdWords remarketing capabilities for YouTube. Below is a step-by-step description of how to get started:

Step 1: Linking Your AdWords Account to Your YouTube Account

You can do this by going to your Campaigns tab and clicking on Link YouTube Accounts. Once you link both accounts you are able to choose videos for your remarketing campaign as well as see metrics like view counts, engagement and more.

Step 2: Creating a Video Remarketing List or Lists

Your next step is to click on Video Remarketing Lists and then create a list. Here you will be able to decide who you want to remarket to (visited your channel, liked a certain video, subscribed to your channel, etc.) as well as how long you want the campaign to run. Once you fill in all of this information, you will have what’s called a remarketing list.

Step 3: Create a Remarketing Campaign

This is where you can choose a current campaign to edit or create a new remarketing campaign entirely. You can click the green +Campaign button to start a new campaign where you will be able to add in even more information including demographics, topics and more.

Step 4: Create Your Actual Video Ad

Click on Ads and then click Ad Video Ad. Here is where you can enter the video URL of your YouTube video and include information like description, name, display URL, and more. Click Save and your ad should be live shortly.

Extra Tips and the Takeaway

When linking your AdWords and your YouTube accounts, remember that you can connect as many YouTube accounts as you wish. It’s recommended that companies only have one YouTube account, but sometimes in franchise situations or companies with multiple locations having multiple accounts makes sense. Through AdWords you can connect these multiple accounts for easier management and organization.

In the end, YouTube remarketing is becoming one of the most popular places to generate more leads because of its size and ability to target a wide variety of users. It’s easy to create campaigns and can even be managed through Google Analytics, which you can learn more about here. I also recommend this article if you’re interested in YouTube metrics and what you should be looking for with your videos. If you’ve ever created a remarketing campaign on YouTube, let us know how it worked for you in the comments below.

YouTube Photo via Shutterstock

This article, “Want Leads? Use YouTube Remarketing” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/want-leads-use-youtube-remarketing.html