Mark Your Calendar, Our List of Events Through November


Mark your calendar. Our list of events this week includes dates throughout November across the country from New York to Los Angeles. We’ve also got upcoming events throughout January and into February. With so much taking place just this week, there are many opportunities to learn and interact with the small business community. Live events you can attend are happening in Nevada, New York, Florida, and more. There is also a large number of online events you can take part in from anywhere. With so much to choose from you could really keep yourself busy.

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Simple Tips to Jump-Start Your Business Immediately

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There are seemingly endless numbers of business tips out there. Many of them require months and months of planning and work to actually achieve. But not everything has to be so complicated. This week, we compiled a list of very simple tips from members of our small business community. Most of them can even be implemented immediately. Read on for the full list in this week’s Small Business Trends community and information roundup.

Amplify Your Content Reach

(Social Media Examiner)

You work so hard to create great content for your marketing efforts.

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25 of the Best Cities for Freelancers to Work and Play

best cities for freelancers

Freelancing has become a major trend in the small business world over the last few years. And it doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon. While more businesses are realizing the benefits of employing freelance workers, more individuals are finding contract work to either supplement or replace their traditional jobs.

And although freelancers can usually work from anywhere, some places are definitely more freelancer friendly than others.

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Settlers, Olives, and Occupation: Voices from the West Bank

In response to last year’s Gaza conflict, the Israeli government announced the construction of further settlements in the West Bank — a move condemned by the international community for escalating tensions that were already highly fraught. The expansion of the settlements has consumed privately owned Palestinian land, causing the destruction of Palestinian homes, produce, and livelihoods. Despite Israeli settlements taking up only one percent of land in the West Bank, they now exert control over 42 percent, with settlement boundaries often 10 times larger than the settlements themselves. VICE News traveled to the West Bank to speak to displaced Palestinians and activists who are trying desperately to address the grievances that boiled over with such horrific consequences in 2014. Watch “A City Divided: Jerusalem’s Most Contested Neighborhood” – Read “Rubble and Rage in Jerusalem: Israeli Bulldozers and the Broken Homes They Leave Behind” – Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 18:57 More in News & Politics

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VICE News Daily: Beyond The Headlines – January 13, 2015

The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Egyptian court acquits 26 men detained in raid on Cairo public bathhouse, Rohingya woman dies of suffocation cramped in truck of migrants in southern Thailand, captured Ugandan rebel commander urges LRA fighters to stop fighting, and Saudi cleric issues religious order against building snowmen. EGYPT Court Acquits Defendants in Gay Bathhouse Case Twenty-six men cleared of charges such as from debauchery and public indecency. The bathhouse raid highlights the government’s continued crackdown on Egypt’s gay community. THAILAND Children Among Nearly 100 Rohingya Trafficking Victims A woman died of suffocation while cramped inside one of five trucks carrying the migrants in the country’s south. UGANDA Captured Rebel Leader Urges Comrades to Stop Fighting Dominic Ongwen is being held by U.S. forces in the Central African Republic. He is wanted by the ICC for crimes against humanity. SAUDI ARABIA Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen Amid Winter Storm ​The sheikh says creating idols of humans and animals is sinful; but people are free to build icy statues of trees, buildings, cars and anything else that doesn’t have a soul. Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 03:01 More in News & Politics

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Gunshot Wounds in the ER (Extra Scene from ‘San Pedro Sula Nights’)

San Pedro Sula, Honduras, has made it to the top of the list of the world’s most dangerous cities (outside of war zones) for three consecutive years, with an annual homicide rate of 187 per 100,000 people. Reporting crime in Honduras is considered a high-risk job — according to the Honduran National Human Rights Committee, at least 47 journalists and media executives have been murdered between 2003 and 2014. In this extra scene, VICE News spent the night in an overcrowded emergency room of the Mario Catarino Rivas hospital in San Pedro Sula, where cases of bullet wounds are all too common. Watch the Full Length “Crime Reporting in the Murder Capital: San Pedro Sula Nights” – Read “A Camera, Microphone, and Gun: At Night With A Crime Reporter In San Pedro Sula” – Watch “Guns in Puerto Rico: Locked and Loaded in the Tropics” – Watch “Immigrant America: Murder and Migration in Honduras” – Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Views: 62234

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Time: 01:49 More in News & Politics

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