The Ruins of Donetsk Airport: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 95)

The battle between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russia separatists (DNR) for Donetsk Airport has raged for months, bringing significant losses on both sides. In late January, the airport fell to the DNR, ending Ukrainian forces’ hold on the site. The now unrecognizable airport lies in ruins. VICE News travelled to Donetsk Airport, a once modern facility now reduced to rubble after months of fighting, to discuss with DNR fighters the battle for, and the future of, the strategically important site. Watch “Inside Rebel-Held Uglegorsk: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 94)” – Watch “Flying Drones with the Dnipro Battalion: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 93)” – Read “Escape from Debaltseve: How One Convoy Made It Out of Ukraine’s Besieged City” – Read “Ukraine Ceasefire Ignored as Fierce Battle for Debaltseve Continues to Rage” – Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:

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Time: 05:54 More in News & Politics

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FARC Rebels Vow to Discharge Child Soldiers: VICE News Capsule, February 18

The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Malian government and rebel groups participate in fifth round of peace talks since last September, climate change is threatening villages in the Sundarbans, Colombian FARC rebels vow to stop recruiting minors, and the Associated Press uses computers to produce quarterly earnings reports in seconds. MALI Government and Rebel Groups Meet in Algeria to Discuss Peace Deal UN’s special envoy to Mali says he’s hopeful this is the last stage of negotiations, and that an agreement could come within weeks. ENVIRONMENT Climate Change Threatens Coastal Villages in India and Bangladesh Swollen rivers and stronger monsoon rains are washing away homes in the Sundarbans. COLOMBIA FARC Rebels Promise to Stop Recruiting Children Under 17 The guerrilla group says it will soon release the 13 minors fighting among their ranks. JOURNALISM Automated Financial Reporting in the 21st Century ​Computers are taking the tedious task of number-crunching from the news agency’s business journalists, and producing thousands of reports every quarter. Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:

From: VICE News

Views: 48733

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Time: 02:50 More in News & Politics

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Kinfolk Combines Bikes, Bars and Creativity into One Brand


To effectively market a new company, you need to choose a target group of consumers.

Most businesses select some demographics to target. But in order for your marketing efforts to really be effective, it can help to come up with some more intangible qualities to target.

For Kinfolk, the lifestyle brand found success targeting people with one common feature: creativity. The company has bars in Tokyo and Brooklyn, and also sells bicycles and various other products. Its Brooklyn location even has a coffeehouse and art gallery attached.

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What To Do When You Hit a Wall in Your Business

022315 hit the wall

Everything’s chugging right along in your business. You love getting to the office every day, interacting with clients, and having the freedom to set your own schedule.

But then something happens, and you’re less enamored with what you do. You start to feel jaded and frustrated.

Maybe your client base has trickled down dangerously low. Or you’re just not excited about your products anymore. You don’t know how to move forward and grow your business. Whatever that “thing” is, it’s made being an entrepreneur decidedly less fun.

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