Inspecting the Ceasefire in Shyrokyne: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 105)

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OCSE) Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine has been in Shyrokyne, in the Donetsk region, observing the state of the current ceasefire between the government in Kiev and eastern separatists. The fighting in Shyrokyne, located between pro-Russia and Ukrainian forces, is ongoing, despite the signing of the Minsk ceasefire agreement by both sides in February. In this dispatch, VICE News correspondent Simon Ostrovsky follows the OCSE as it monitors the ceasefire in the contested area. Watch “Easter Artillery Fire: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 104)” – Watch “Should the US Send Lethal Aid to Ukraine?” – In Photos: One Year Later, a Look at the Forming of the Donetsk People’s Republic – Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:

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Time: 07:58 More in News & Politics

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Illegal Loggers: The Tribe Waging War in the Amazon

On the Alto Rio Guamá reserve in Brazil, the Tembe tribe has been battling for decades to save its land from illegal loggers and settlers. As tension escalates, the Tembe people have now been forced to take up arms and confront the loggers, sparking violent clashes deep within the jungle. With the odds stacked against the tribe, VICE News traveled to the northern Brazilian state of Para to meet the Tembe and witness the tribe’s struggle to protect its land. Watch “Peru’s War on Drugs” – Watch “Coca and Faith in the Amazon” – The Chevron Tapes: Video Shows Oil Giant Allegedly Covering Up Amazon Contamination – Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:

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Time: 20:48 More in News & Politics

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This Week On The Line (Trailer): Kaj Larsen Discusses the War Against Boko Haram

On Thursday at 12pm EDT Kaj Larsen will join On The Line to discuss his new piece “The War against Boko Haram” – Since 2009, the militant Islamist group known as Boko Haram has wreaked havoc in northern Nigeria. Instilling terror through bombings, abductions, and beheadings, Boko Haram is fighting to create an Islamic state in the most populous country in Africa. Kaj traveled to Nigeria for VICE News to embed with the country’s army as it ramped up its fight against Boko Haram. As the only journalists on the front line in northern Nigeria, VICE News witnessed the beginning of the largest military incursion to date. VICE News and On The Line want to hear from you! Let us know your questions for Kaj on Twitter with the hashtag #ontheline, or send us a video message on Skype. To leave a Skype video message, follow the instructions here: Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:

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Time: 00:41 More in News & Politics

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Numbers Look Great, But There’s a Catch


I normally run ideas past my wife before drawing them up, but this has been a crazy busy year for both of us and lately I don’t always get her opinion.

So after work one night I showed her the cartoons I’d done that day and she read this one.

She looks up at me, looks back down, and looks back up with that “I’m confused but I’m trying not to hurt your feelings” look, smiles, and waits for me to comment.

Listen, I know this is a weird one, but for whatever reason it makes me laugh. It was inspired by that old Twilight Zone episode where everyone had those weird pig faces. Apparently that’s the cost of the gypsy deal they made for their skyrocketing sales.

Sometimes you just do them for yourself.

This article, “Numbers Look Great, But There’s a Catch” was first published on Small Business Trends

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Video Bamboo – 4 Ways Video Content Can Hurt User Engagement, Content Quality, and SEO

Video content can be an important part of a rounded content strategy, but it can also cause serious SEO problems. Here are four ways your video content can cause engagement problems, along with how to keep that from happening.

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Hiring An SEO Agency? Ask These 7 Questions

final seo

When you finally decide that the warning signs are there and it’s time to invest in SEO, you have to actually make sure you work with a quality SEO agency. Believe it or not, this isn’t always the easiest thing to do. In many cases you are hiring an SEO agency because you either can’t keep up with the work yourself and want to see a change or you simply aren’t sure how to do SEO on your own. In either case, asking the right questions and knowing the correct answers can be difficult. Fortunately, even if you don’t know much about SEO, you can still come across confident when interviewing by using just a few basic questions.

Consider the questions below to help you get started and make sure you’re on track to finding the right SEO company to work with. Any good agency should be able to answer these questions in detail:

Can I Have a List of Your Current and Past Clients and Contact Them?

This should be no problem for a good SEO company because they will have nothing to hide. Once you have a list, actually use that list by contacting them and hearing what they have to say. Do a little bit of analysis on the clients as well to see if they have A). Good SEO and B). An easy to navigate and easy to read website and C). Quality content and reviews.

What is Your Current Link Building Strategy?

A good SEO company will tell you that their link building strategy consists of building relationships with authoritative websites and then earning natural links. You should be building links for users, not for Google.

How do you Measure SEO Success, and What Kind of Results do you Expect for a Company Similar to Mine?

Keep in mind that no quality SEO agency will guarantee results or guarantee any particular rankings at a particular time. SEO takes time to see results, but a good company will have a few tools they use (including Google Analytics) to see which keywords are moving up in the ranks.

Do you use any Third-Party Tools to Gather Data and Analyze Results?

A few great SEO tools include SEMRush, Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, and Majestic, but of course there are many more options out there. I recommend writing down what the agency says and then looking into the tools at a later time. In either case, it’s important that the agency has something to say for this question.

How will you Keep us in the Loop of all Your Activities? In Other Words, How can we Communicate and Keep up With Your Progress and Offer Comments and Suggestions?

Many SEO agencies will actually have their own portal or dashboard to help keep you updated on progress and everything they’ve been doing. At the very least, you should expect an agency to have a weekly call with you to discuss progress as well as one contact person who is made available to you at all times if you have any questions or comments.

When it Comes to Content Marketing, What Tools do you use and What Metrics do you Follow? Why?

Content marketing tools are different than SEO tools (question 4). While there could definitely be some overlap, it’s extremely important to inquire about content marketing specifically because content is becoming so important to Google in 2015. Make sure they follow clicks as well as social engagement with each different article, and then make sure they tell you that they try and find trends through Google Analytics (or another tool) to help determine which content resonates best with your audience.

What is Your Technical SEO Experience? For Example, Have you Ever Dealt With a Google Penalty or a Major Algorithm Change? If so, how did you Deal with It?

Asking an SEO agency how they dealt with a problem is a great way to weed out the OK agencies and leave yourself with the great ones. A Google penalty can happen at any time, so your agency has to be prepared. A good agency will explain how they anticipate algorithm updates before they happen — read SEO blogs, stay up to date with Google announcements, etc. — but will also have a story about a time when they had to help a website recover. After all, recovery is just as important as prevention in the first place.

The Takeaway

Of course, there are many more questions you can ask aside from just these seven. Many find that asking questions such as “Do you know of any quick fixes?” or “How long will it take to see results?” are good questions because the correct answer should be “I don’t know.” There are lots of SEO scams out there, so it’s important that you’re finding a company that is honest as opposed to just having the right answers.

In other words, the questions above are your core questions, but you can get creative and should spend some time picking their brains about what they enjoy and don’t enjoy about SEO.

Google Search Photo via Shutterstock

This article, “Hiring An SEO Agency? Ask These 7 Questions” was first published on Small Business Trends

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