8 Advantages of Being a Small Business Owner Now

Advantages of Being a Small Business

In the opening paragraph of Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities, he writes:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.”

The two cities he was referring to were London and Paris during the turmoil of the French Revolution. For the oppressed citizens of 18th Century France, the revolution’s proclamation of the rights of man was a “spring of hope.”

Parity in business always exists, but we are in a “spring of hope” and some of the best of times for starting, launching or growing a small business. The past few years have seen an opportunistic and favorable business environment and it looks like thankfully it is poised to continue.

Here are the advantages of being a small business owner … now.

Technology Tools

In no other time has technology made it easier for us to do business, communicate and grow on such an efficient and far reaching scale. The Web, email marketing, social media, plug-ins and apps allow us to organize and focus communication. and to help people in ways that save us time and energy and improve efficiency.

The cloud offers front end management of tasks, while many small service companies still juggle paper spreadsheets and calendars to stay organized.

POS systems let small retailers accept more than cash with a swipe. A repeat customer has a higher lifetime value than a new customer so it pays to invest in customer loyalty programs. By adding a simple plug-in app, small businesses can turn their basic Gmail service into something even more powerful.

Better Access to Credit

Although banks and credit unions are still cautious, now is a great time to seek financing. It’s gotten easier for small businesses to obtain loans.

Keri Gohman, executive vice president and head of small-business banking for Capital One recently told The New York Times:

“It’s actually a really great time to access small-business capital. Rates are low and banks are also feeling the economic recovery. We really want to lend. Small business owners can shop around and work with banks to find the best rates.”

An Improved Economy

There are so many reasons to be optimistic now and moving forward. People are finally feeling optimistic enough to invest more in themselves, their businesses and others.

The “recovery fatigue” many of us have been feeling is finally lifting and shifting from recovery to growth and people want in and to enjoy it more. Hartford’s Small Business Success Study reported in October 2014 that 77 percent of small businesses feel successful about their business operations, up from 70 percent in 2013.

The Sage Business Index (2014) indicates 58 percent of business revenue will grow in 2015 by an average of 2.5 percent.

Competition Makes Us All Better

We simply can’t become better by ourselves. It is through healthy competition that we are inspired to innovate, try new things, rebrand, stay motivated, provide stellar customer service and be a part of  a community that helps and learns from each other.

Exceptional Current Resources and Help

Why do some small business owners think waiting to start or improve will help? It won’t help and there will never be a perfect time. If you have done your due diligence, research and homework then now is your best time. The resources, tools, and help are plentiful. From SBA.gov, blogs, podcasts, video, Small Business Trends and more, there is almost no question that cannot be answered or information that can’t be found.

Just search Google or Bing for anything and you will find information. A word of caution: vet the research results and people that come up and go with the most current and most credible ones.

The Personal Satisfaction

If you really want to do your own thing, be your own boss and lead your own charge, then by all means do it. But, be prepared to do business with all the assets you will need in today’s world. The personal satisfaction that comes from succeeding as your own boss is priceless and worth working for. Here’s a 30 point startup checklist for starting a business.

Flexibility with Changing Conditions

Small business operators have way more flexibility to make swift, immediate and necessary changes that are essential to dealing with shifting conditions. They’re at the top. The ability to respond quickly to market changes is a big asset you have and can use to stay ahead.

Personalized Customer Service

Most successful small businesses take the opportunity to deliver personalized, unexpected and exceptional customer service very seriously.

They usually serve a smaller area and can really get to know their customers’ needs, wants and history. Developing long term, ongoing relationships is one of the benefits that can keep customers coming back perhaps through more than one generation.

There is something very comforting and trusting building about serving mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers of the same family. Small businesses can make these kinds of business relationships happen.

There are so many viable business ideas and categories if you are ready to take the plunge. There are businesses you can start for less than $100 and franchises you can buy that may be an easier way to go for budding entrepreneurs.

As entrepreneur and Forbes contributor Kevin Harrington explains:

“Sometimes you just don’t know what your market is until you try.”

Image: Deborah Shane

This article, “8 Advantages of Being a Small Business Owner Now” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/8-advantages-of-being-small-business.html

Wake Up — It’s the 21st Century, the Era of “YouthNation”

youthnationWhen sent a copy of “YouthNation: Building Remarkable Brands in a Youth-Driven Culture” by Matt Britton, to review, I was half expecting just another book on marketing and branding using social media.

As it happens, the book does cover the use of social media as a key branding and marketing tool, but it goes much further than that, and will help the reader to understand the mindset and culture of today’s youth.

Matt Britton (@MattyB) is the owner and CEO of MRY, a successful branding agency with many high profile clients such as Visa, Coca Cola and Puma to name just a few.

What he shares throughout “YouthNation” is the need for businesses to recognize the social change that has taken place in the U.S., and the affect that this is now having on the way businesses must market and promote their brands to younger audiences.

Youth Nation Defined

“Youth Nation,” as Britton defines it, is:

“A highly influential group of over 80 million American citizens born between 1982 and 1998. They are currently aged between 18 and 34 and nearly all of them cannot remember a time when the Internet did not exist”.

Britton explains in detail how this latest generation of consumers has a completely different mindset and outlook on life to previous generations. Partly due to the effect of the 2008 financial collapse, their American dream is no longer centered on getting a college education and a job for life in corporate America.

Nor are they so keen to possess material status symbols. They don’t want to own two cars and a house in the suburbs. Generally, there’s no obligation to get married, either.

They have witnessed for themselves the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, the disappearance of a job for life, and the ever increasing divorce rate of their parents’ generation.

Therefore, they prefer to rent, to stay single longer, and to pursue a non-corporate career. They would rather live in urban areas where they have access to major event, parties and where the news occurs. He writes:

“Reduced corporate benefits, decreasing corporate healthcare subsidies, and a weakened dependence on employers to provide tools and training, the attractiveness of corporate America looks to have lost its shine. Youth-Nation now has the power to create its own diversified opportunities for income without the hamstrings of a corporate entity. With a plethora of income options, easy access to tools and training, and a world where the next opportunity is merely a tweet away, we look to be entering a free agent society”.

Marketing to Youth Nation

As a result of this change in mindset, priorities and aspirations, the traditional marketing and branding methodologies are seen to be out dated.

Instead, Britton goes on to detail the new ways to connect with this highly influential group.

Nearly gone, he explains, are the days of television advertising. Instead, marketers must contend with a generation perpetually glued to their smartphones. Not surprisingly, to connect with them requires marketing and advertising using social media instead. And that marketing or advertising message must be engaging otherwise it will simply be “swiped” away due to the vast amount of other content available.

To engage them, content must be current and able to capture their attention instantly, Britton adds. Building a brand requires creating a great story with experiences rather than facts to gather a loyal following. And the ultimate goal is to create a following that will share your content by forwarding it from friend to friend. Britton writes:

“Today, however, consumers expect to hear from the brand directly. When a brand talks to consumers, it needs to sound authentic, interesting, and engaging.”

Britton goes on to say that rather than relying solely on demographics when targeting your advertising and marketing campaigns, it is now necessary to use “big data,” the complex data sets gathered from consumers by brands, the Internet and social media platforms.

In his epilogue, the author paints his vision of the future. And I must agree with the majority of what he sees. Whether you agree or disagree with this outlook, or believe it to be a bright future, you will need to read the book to see.


Normally I feel quite cheery after reviewing a book, but this one left me rather depressed. That’s not so much because of the content which will be of enormous benefit to all businesses prepared to change their marketing strategies. Rather, it depressed me because it made me feel old, and I believe that all the technological advances are making us a far less social society.

There are many Apps and sites mentioned within “YouthNation” of which I am either well aware, or have personally used. However, there are plenty of others detailed that I must confess to being ignorant about. But then again, I guess that comes from being from the previous generation!

About the Author

Matt Britton is a well known figure in the advertising industry and specializes in youth and social media marketing. He is the founder of MRY which was named the “Social Media Agency of The Year” by Mashable in 2009. For more information visit his website.

This article, “Wake Up — It’s the 21st Century, the Era of “YouthNation”” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/wake-up-its-21st-century-era-of.html

Join Scott’s Marketplace Chat, Win Samsung SMART Signage TV

samsung sstv week 2

Big events are on the horizon for the small business community. They include an upcoming Twitter chat on how your business can get started with blogging and give away of a brand new Samsung SMART Signage TV.

Check out the exciting details for these and other small business events below.

To see a full list or to submit your own event, contest or award listing, visit the Small Business Events Calendar.

Featured Events, Contests and Awards

Twitter Chat: How to Get Started With BloggingTwitter Chat: How to Get Started With Blogging
May 19, 2015, Twitter, Online

Join @SmallBizTrends and @ScottsMktplace on Tuesday, May 19 at 6pm PDT / 9pm EDT to learn how you can increase sales by blogging for your business. We’ll chat about everything from the easiest ways to get started, to the most efficient time-saving tools to use.? Be sure to use #ScottsBizChat in your tweets, and don’t forget to let us know you’re coming with a quick RSVP.

VERISIGN’s #InternetOfficial ContestVERISIGN’s #InternetOfficial Contest
June 23, 2015, Online

Five monthly finalists, 15 finalists in three months, will each receive $5,000 and an opportunity for a grand prize of $30,000. To enter, register a new descriptive, memorable, original .COM domain name – and that’s it, you’re entered for a chance to win.

BlogHerWant a Samsung Digital Signage TV for Your Business? We’re Giving 2 Away!
July 6, 2015, Twitter, Online

Is your business’s signage outdated? Is it only capable of telling part of the story about what you have to offer customers? Or maybe a bright eye-catching sign would better convey the products and services you have to offer, and increase sales. If so, your chance to change all that is NOW. Small Business Trends is giving away not one but TWO brand new Samsung SMART Signage TVs. Two lucky winners will soon be transforming their business signage!

Moz ConMoz Con
July 13, 2015, Seattle, Washington

Not your average stuffy networking event, MozCon features three days of forward-thinking, actionable sessions in SEO, social media, community building, content marketing, brand development, CRO, the mobile landscape, analytics, and more. MozCon speakers share advanced advice on everything from building a loyal community to making data-driven decisions in your marketing.

July 16, 2015, New York, New York

A conference celebrating women who blog. The mission is to create opportunities for women in social media to gain community, education, exposure and economic empowerment. The event will be co-hosted along with SheKnows Media in New York City at the New York Hilton.

Adobe MaxAdobe Max
October 3, 2015, Los Angeles, California

MAX provides strictly unplugged, old-school inspiration with a mix of people from creative leaders, designers, broadcast and video pros, tech and business strategists, photographers, and more. This shared energy and passion sparks new ideas, drives new partnerships, and breaks new ground every year. MAX attracts inspirational and iconic speakers that share their personal stories. GRAMMY-award winning band Kings of Leon will be there and you can connect with 5,000 other creatives at daily social events.

October 13, 2015, San Francisco, California

Whether you’re a company of five or a Fortune 500, you’ll learn a lot of innovative ways to improve your business at Dreamforce. With over 1,400 sessions and thousands of live solutions from the world’s largest cloud ecosystem, Dreamforce has tailored content specific to your business size and type, for any role in your company.

Global Small Business ForumGlobal Small Business Forum
October 23, 2015, Chicago, Illinois

The Global Small Business Forum 2015 held in Chicago will help entrepreneurs and small business owners export successfully and network with their peers. It will answer such questions as: What’s the best way to ship goods? How will I get paid? Do I need a license? Should I sell direct or indirect? Does my business have what it takes to sell in China?

World Business Forum New York 2015World Business Forum New York 2015
November 12, 2015, New York, New York

In 2015 the World Business Forum will present two days of powerful stories; of individuals who face shocks – both personal and organizational – and who use those shocks to achieve the extraordinary. Speakers include Sir Richard Branson, Jim Collins, a former faculty member at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Walter Isaacson, once the 14th editor of TIME magazine in 1996 and named Chairman and CEO of CNN in 2001, Adam Grant, author of the New York Times bestseller Give and Take and Herminia Ibarra, Professor of Leadership and Learning and Professor of Organizational Behavior at INSEAD.

More Events

More Contests

This weekly listing of small business events, contests and awards is provided as a community service by Small Business Trends and SmallBizTechnology.

This article, “Join Scott’s Marketplace Chat, Win Samsung SMART Signage TV” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/join-scotts-marketplace-chat-win.html

Protect Your Brand’s Reputation, Learn Content Marketing Hacks

Small Business BrandingEDIT
Your brand’s reputation can truly make or break your business. So it’s important for you to focus on building that reputation and then avoiding any missteps that could potentially tear it down. Members of the small business community have some tips to share about protecting your brand’s reputation. And they also have some other bits of business knowledge that can help you keep your customers happy.  Read on for the full list of tips in this week’s Small Business Trends community news and information roundup.

Protect Your Online Reputation

(i7 Marketing)

Building a reputation can take years. But a single negative incident can ruin all of that hard work. So it’s important that you keep an eye on your brand image online. Sean Gallahar shares some tips for maintaining your online reputation.

Don’t Miss These Content Marketing Hacks


When building your content marketing strategy, it’s important to remember your audience. The content you offer should ultimately benefit them. And if it doesn’t, it could certainly have an impact on your reputation. In this post, Jordon Nottrodt shares some content marketing hacks that could help kickstart your strategy.

Use These Two Factors to Grow Your Startup

(Biz Epic)

Lots of different things go into running a successful startup. But at the core, there are two very basic factors you need, which Ivan Widjaya shares in this post. BizSugar members then share their thoughts.

Nurse Your Paid Search Campaigns Back to Health


Paid search has become an extremely competitive game. So you need to constantly update and optimize your campaigns in order for them to remain effective. In this post, Jana Fung shares some tips for keeping those paid search campaigns going strong.

Use This Strategy to Market to Millennials

(Marketing Land)

Marketing to millennials isn’t like marketing to other groups. But millennials can be an incredibly important market segment to have on your side, depending on your business. So in this post, Anthony Bursi shares some tips for marketing to this group.

Promote Your Presentation with These Video Tools


Your presentation can only be effective if you can get it in front of the right people. Luckily, there are plenty of different tools and online resources you can use to promote your presentations, as Leslie Belknap shares here.

Build a Successful Business Blog

(Rebekah Radice)

Promoting a business online can be competitive. But setting your business blog apart from the rest is possible, with these tips from Rebekah Radice. BizSugar members share some input on the post as well.

Use Personal Responsibility to Drive Company Culture


These days, more and more businesses are choosing to rethink traditional business policies. Showing more trust in your employees to be responsible with time, finances and other resources can have a big impact on morale, as Lyndsey Patterson explains.

Learn to Utilize Social Selling

(Shift Digital)

Social selling is becoming a necessity for companies that operate online. There are several different tools and tactics you can use to make the most of those social selling efforts. Jennifer Webster shares a few of them in this post.

Have More Than Ideas

(Startup Professionals Musings)

Great ideas are certainly important to launching a great startup. But they aren’t the only things that count. As Martin Zwilling points out, delivering on those ideas can be more valuable to your business. See more discussion from the BizSugar community here.

Help make these community roundup posts even better in the future. Send content suggestions via email to sbtips@gmail.com or simply submit your content to the BizSugar community.

Small business branding photo via Shutterstock

This article, “Protect Your Brand’s Reputation, Learn Content Marketing Hacks” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/protect-your-brands-reputation-learn.html

World of Warcraft Helped This Entrepreneur Build a Successful Startup

company reviews website world of warcraft entrepreneur

Lots of gamers likely dream of quitting their jobs and playing video games full time. But for Robert Hohman, that was just one step on his path.

The former president of Hotwire quit his job in 2006 to play World of Warcraft professionally. He did so for about a year. But when he got to the highest level he could, his desire to play was gone. Feeling that he needed a new challenge, he started a company. Hohman told Business Insider:

“I played for a year nonstop and then I hit the maximum level in WoW. I was maniacal in chasing this goal and literally the next day I started a company, Glassdoor.”

Glassdoor is an online career website where employees and former employees can share information about companies where they work or have worked. They can share and review basically everything from management to compensation by contributing company reviews from an employee standpoint.

Though he had always dreamed of being an entrepreneur, the idea for this specific company didn’t really form until his days of playing WoW. That experience helped teach Hohman about building a real community online. He said:

“There’s a space and time ‘shift.’ A ‘real’ community is governed by normal rules of space and time, but online is not. It happens across all hours of days and night and across all parts of the world.”

These days, Hohman still plays video games, though not to the extent he once did. But he does spend many of his off hours playing StarCraft with his two pre-teen sons, both of whom have aspirations of becoming professional video gamers.

He also still personally codes for Glassdoor in the evenings, even though he runs the company.

Many entrepreneurs can likely identify with that impulse to always find new challenges. The desire to constantly grow and meet new challenges is pretty much essential to growing a successful business.

But it’s also important to channel that impulse in strategic ways, so that your business can truly benefit.

Image: World of Warcraft

This article, “World of Warcraft Helped This Entrepreneur Build a Successful Startup” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/world-of-warcraft-helped-this_16.html

Former NBA All-Star Terrell Brandon’s Tips For Small Business Success

Terrell Brandon

Terrell Brandon played 11 years in the NBA from 1991-2002 for the Cleveland Cavaliers, Milwaukee Bucks and Minnesota Timberwolves. As a member of the Cavaliers, the University of Oregon product was named to the NBA All-Star Game twice and finished with career averages of 14 points and 6 assists.

Now 44 years old and retired from basketball, Brandon continues to dish out assists and haircuts in his hometown of Portland, Oregon. Two decades ago, Brandon opened The Terrell Brandon Barber Shop on NE Alberta Street, which now doubles as headquarters for his charity and business interests throughout the area.

His barber shop, which was opened in a Portland neighborhood once riddled with crime and violence, now serves as a beacon for change and hope in the community. Surrounding Brandon’s barber shop these days are a number of small business retail stores, boutiques, coffee houses and restaurants that are all thriving.

Small Business Trends caught up with Terrell to talk about how he built his business over the last 20 years and what advice he has for entrepreneurs looking to take their small business to the next level.

Small Business Trends: This building was an old gas station when you were growing up, before it became home to The Terrell Brandon Barber Shop. Can you talk about the initial vision you had in opening your business in this location?

Terrell Brandon: I had been passing by this place for many, many years growing up. Then, once I got to college and started to see what I wanted to do in life, the barbershop came to mind with a friend of mine. I ended up hiring him, and he worked with me at the shop for 15 years. But as far as the initial vision, we just really tried to establish something positive in the neighborhood because it needed something positive.

Small Business Trends: What were some of your goals for the small business community and neighborhood overall when you first opened your business?

Terrell Brandon: We tried to come in and bring a fresh outlook on a neighborhood that was drug infested and filled with gang violence. We just tried to change the image a little bit, bring something positive to the neighborhood and we’ve been able to do that. We wanted to show people that with fresh ideas and initiatives this area of Portland could be more than it had been while I was growing up. So I came home one summer, saw the vacancy, and purchased the land. I sat on the land for a couple years until I got my business plan down and then opened it up. And we’ve been here ever since.

Terrell Brandon

Small Business Trends: If you were offering advice to someone looking to open their own barbershop or salon, what would you say?

Terrell Brandon: I think one thing is location. That’s always the key. Having a steady flow of foot-traffic coming in and out and going up and down the street. It helps when people can not only see your building when they drive by, but also when they’re walking down the street. Being able to see a sign, the hours they can get a haircut, and then looking in the windows and seeing what’s going on inside. It helps when people are able to see in and see out and get comfortable.

Small Business Trends: From your experience as a business owner and basketball player, what are some important aspects of building a winning team?

Terrell Brandon: First of all, I don’t ever have anybody who works for me. I have people who work with me. So having people on your team who share the same vision is important, and then keeping those people around you is key. Making sure your team is always staying current with what’s going on and the new technology is also important. For example, most people don’t have cash on them so making sure you have some type of credit card device so that people can do things like swipe and keep it moving is also important. And then those people who work with you, making sure they’re always courteous with the customer, saying hello and things like that goes a long way.

Small Business Trends: What similarities have you found from leading a basketball team during your playing days and leading your small business team over the last 20 years?

Terrell Brandon: There most definitely are similarities, especially with me being a former point guard. Point guards are always into organization and really focused on the ‘we’ and the ‘us’. So I’m always looking to see if someone is in a good mood or bad mood, and what I can do to improve the way people are feeling at work. Then I’m making sure we’re organized. Are the clippers up to date? Are the caps the guys are wearing up to date? Do your employees have what they need to succeed on a daily basis? It’s just a point guard mentality to always have that ‘we’ and ‘us’ atmosphere because you can’t win with only one person on the team.

Small Business Trends: What are some ways you’ve worked to increase your profit margin as a business owner?

Terrell Brandon: Managing your profit margin or bottom line is really an everyday situation. It’s not a weekly or monthly thing; it’s every day because you are always selling something. What makes it easy with a barber shop is that my barbers are individual contractors. So you don’t have to worry about that as much. It’s the other things you have to pay more attention to — the brushes, caps, hair product, t-shirts, those are the things we have to monitor. Which is why I’m here every day 23 years later. And also, that visual of seeing the boss here, that helps your profit margin too.

Small Business Trends: What pitfalls do you suggest that small business owners be aware of and make sure they avoid from your experience?

Terrell Brandon: You need to make sure that your staff and team buys into the overall vision for your business. I have three barbers now, but I’ve had to go through other barbers over the years because they didn’t maybe understand the concept of where we were coming from. Just different personalities, different opinions. Nothing personal. It happens. As far as other pitfalls to avoid, trying to do too much is something you need to be aware of. We used to have this area which is now my office set up as a retail store back in the day. I was selling merchandise, jeans, jerseys and shoes. But as time went on, I changed up because those products weren’t as profitable. It wasn’t really part of our core business, either, so we stopped doing that and focused on our strengths.

Images: Small Business Trends

This article, “Former NBA All-Star Terrell Brandon’s Tips For Small Business Success” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/former-nba-all-star-terrell-brandons_16.html

EcoZoom Cooks Up New Solution for Food Preparation

ecozoom cook stove

In many parts of the world, people still regularly cook over an open flame. While that might sound like a fun activity for annual camping trips or bonfires, it’s an incredibly dangerous and inefficient approach to everyday food preparation.

Like most people in developed countries, Phil Ferranto didn’t realize that so many people around the world didn’t have access to clean and efficient cook stoves. But in 2011, Ferranto co-founded EcoZoom, a company that brings more sustainable products to homes in developing countries.

ecozoom cook stove

The company’s main product is a clean cook stove that allows people to cook their food more efficiently than they would be able to over an open flame, thus saving them money on energy costs. It also reduces the amount of smoke that can often lead to home fires and burn injuries.

According to the World Health Organization, about 40 percent of the world’s population still relies on open fires and solid fuels for their energy needs. Not only does this result in increased air pollution in those areas, but it also leads to increased death and disease for the people involved.

The WHO estimates that more than 4 million people die annually due to health problems linked to carbon monoxide or pollutants from stoves that burn wood, biomass or coal.

Ferranto, who now serves as EcoZoom’s chief business officer, told Mashable:

“[Our] approach gets products to people that need them, reduces the amount of energy consumption these households are using, puts more money in their pockets, and also saves a bunch of lives in the process.”

EcoZoom offers a few different cook stove options, usually costing between $20 and $50. But some third party organizations help offset those costs for members of impoverished communities.

ecozoom cook stove

The company, which originally launched in Portland, Oregon, has even set up an office in Nairobi, Kenya, where it can employ members of the local community and get its products to the people who most need them. Ferranto said:

“In a sense, EcoZoom started as a social enterprise looking to create an effective solution to problems people face every day.”

The video above demonstrates some of the different features of the company’s Versa cook stove. The small appliance features a cast iron top burner that can transfer heat to either a flat bottom pot or rounded pan.

The front also features two doors. The top door is the larger of the two. And that’s where the actual cooking happens. The bottom, smaller door is there to regulate air flow to the fire. You can use either wood or solid biomass to fuel the flame inside the stove.

And you can regulate the temperature either by adding or removing sticks or opening and closing the bottom door.

ecozoom stove

To date, the company has sold more than 210,000 clean cook stoves. It even developed a program to sell similar cook stoves to people in developed countries, though those cook stoves are priced higher to cross-subsidize the models made for people in developing countries.

Image: EcoZoom, Facebook

This article, “EcoZoom Cooks Up New Solution for Food Preparation” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/ecozoom-cooks-up-new-solution-for-food.html

Spotlight: Build Customer Loyalty with Loyalzoo

loyalzoo customer loyalty app

Building customer loyalty can be more difficult for small businesses than it is for large companies. Big brands have more resources to develop in-depth loyalty programs that give customers different rewards or offers based on their past buying behavior.

But technology is now offering new options for small businesses looking to build loyalty.

Loyalzoo is one such option. The company offers an app that is available on mobile, online, and even on POS systems. Read more about Loyalzoo and get a behind-the-scenes look at the company in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Offers a loyalty app designed specifically for small businesses.

The app is made to integrate with a number of different systems, from online to mobile to POS systems. So different small businesses can use the app in whichever way best suits them.

Massimo Sirolla, CEO and co-founder of Loyalzoo says:

“Regardless of the type, each business can create their own digital loyalty cards in just minutes, choosing between traditional stamp cards and flexible points and set the rewards that fit them best.”

Business Niche

Offering a fully versatile solution.

Since the app is created with small businesses in mind, it needs to be able to work in a variety of different ways. Sirolla explains:

“We are the first loyalty app to integrate with POS, and also the first to allow merchants to give loyalty points precisely the way they want using our app, using printed codes or sent digitally. We didn’t want retailers to have to change their habits. We can fit seamlessly into almost any business with their existing setup.”

How the Business Got Started

From a desire to help local businesses.

Sirolla explains:

“Loyalzoo started when Mark Ryan and I, good neighbors and friends, looked down at our wallets and realized half the cards we carry around are unused paper and plastic loyalty cards. And when we looked up, we noticed deserted local businesses and chain stores popping up one after the other. It’s crazy — and so we thought surely there must be a way to help these businesses compete with the chains and big brands.”

loyalzoo customer loyalty app

Biggest Win

Successfully completing a round of crowdfunding last year.

Sirolla explains:

“We reached target in under 24 hours, and that allowed us to employ more people and drive the business ahead.”

Lesson Learned

Focus on digital marketing and SEO.

If the Loyalzoo team could go back and change anything, Sirolla says they would have just handled the digital marketing and SEO efforts in-house from the beginning. He explains:

“We employed a company to do it for us, and suffice to say they did not keep up with Google’s changing guidelines which meant our webpage was nowhere to be found in organic search for more than a year. With limited budget for marketing through paid channels this was really tough and we’re still struggling from the aftermath of it. If I was to give one piece of advise to anyone else starting business it would be to spend time getting familiar with SEO and how Google operates.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Hiring more people.

Sirolla says:

“We are a small team in an even smaller office. We need someone new to pick on! Actually, a bigger office would probably be on the list too. Jokes aside, our team is really great, but with more people we could do so much more in getting the product out there.”

loyalzoo customer loyalty app

Team Tradition

An ongoing table football tournament.

Sirolla explains:

“It started with Andy and I playing every lunch and eventually we dragged Martina along. She started out in defense and was exceptionally bad! So we tried her in attack and lo and behold it was like a different person. We get quite into it. And it’s a really fun way to spend some time together which is also completely separated from the work we normally do.”

Favorite Quote

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” ~ Albert Einstein

* * * * *

Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program.

Images: Loyalzoo, Top image: (from left) Martina Wade, Massimo Sirolla, André Johnson, Mark Ryan, Boydlee Pollentine

This article, “Spotlight: Build Customer Loyalty with Loyalzoo” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/spotlight-build-customer-loyalty-with_16.html

The Businessperson’s Guide To The iMovie Galaxy

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

These days, making professional-looking movies and presentations is a necessity when marketing your business. If you have an Apple Mac, then the best pre-installed program on it by far is iMovie.

If you want your marketing to look like a million dollars, check out this business person’s guide to iMovie Galaxy. Create impressive and effective video content on iMovie today.

Get Your Photos and Video Clips Together In a Folder

Decide which movie clips and photos are going to appear in your movie and collect them all in a unique folder on your computer. When you import these materials into iMovie, the program makes copies of all the files, but mistakes do happen. If you happen to accidentally delete something, or forget to press the “undo” button, then you will have the originals to start with again.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

Importing Into iMovie

Now that you have your pictures and movie clips ready, open iMovie. At the top of the screen, it says “New” and “Import”. Click on “Import” to begin with.

Obviously this opens up the “import” section. The first thing to do is establish a unique folder on iMovie for your photos and movie clips. So at the top of the import window, where it says “Import To”, drop the menu and choose “New Event”.

That opens a box with today’s date. You may want to change it to something memorable such as “company advertisement”, or whatever you are working on. If you end up working on multiple projects, you will need to keep everything separate.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

Make sure that the new event is showing in the “Import To” box, then on the left hand side, navigate to the location of your media folder. When you get there, you will see your files appear in the main part of the window. Highlight them all (or the ones you want) and press the “Import Selected / Import All” button. They will now be copied and brought into iMovie.

Choosing Your Theme and Title

Now it’s time to press the “New” button.

This opens up the “themes” section. If you see something that you like, then feel free to choose it. However, don’t be confined to the theme’s restrictions. For a more flexible experience, choose “No Theme” instead.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

A box will then pop up with the newly created event pre-filled. If not, drop down the menu and find the event you just made. Click OK, and you’re in.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

Take the time to look around. The black rectangle to the right of the clips is the media player, for playing back what you have made. At the bottom is the area where you will be inserting your media and editing it to make your final masterpiece. Are you starting to feel like Stanley Kubrick, yet?

There are many ways to use iMovie, but this will be a quick and easy guide to give you a general overview of the program.

The Quick and Easy Way

Highlight all of the media with your mouse and drag it into the big window below.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

At the top right of the big window is a slider. Moving it to the right will make your media bigger, so you can have finer control over what gets cut out.

In the bottom right of the iMovie window is a section called “Content Library”. Choose the “Titles” option. The titles are the screens upon which text is displayed. The text can either be placed on top of an image /piece of film, or it can be shown separately against a black background.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

You can also choose between different types of animation. You really just have to choose which one best suits your needs. Here’s an example just to give an idea what happens when you choose and what to do next.

Click on your desired title page and drag it with your mouse down to the editing window to the position where you want it. When you get closer to the images / movie footage, they should automatically jump out of the way to let you drop the title page in.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

If you want to place a title page in the middle of a piece of video footage, you will need to cut the video footage in two. This also works for images. Simply move the white thin vertical line that moves through the movie to the point where you want to cut. Then right-click and choose “Split Clip”.

The two parts should then divide, and you can then slide the title card in.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

If at any time you make a mistake, don’t freak out. You can just do CMD + Z to undo your last action.

When you have all your title pages in place, it is then time to add the text. This is easy. Simply click on the title card and you will see it in the top right-hand media player screen. You will also see the default text highlighted, which can then be deleted.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

Delete the default text and write your own. Choose your font, font size, font color, alignment, whether to use bold, italics or underlining, and so forth.

Your text is confined though by the boxes in the title cards. You are unable to make the boxes bigger, which is very frustrating.

Timing Each Sequence

When you enter an image, a piece of video footage, text, or music, it guesses how long each section should take. You can see it at the top of each part.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

Invariably, these times are wrong, so you need to decide how long each part will be. Maybe you want to time the thundering crescendo of the music with a particular part?

To change it, simply click the part until it is highlighted. Then click on the right hand side of the section, and drag it along. You will then see the number of seconds increase. To make them decrease, slide it back to the left. Or CMD + Z to undo.

Now For a Little Music….

OK, now it’s time for the music. You have to remember copyrights here, and avoid just taking whatever music you want. You either need to pay the licensing fee to have the right to use someone’s music, or you need to use free public domain music. A good place to look for that is Creative Commons.

A Google search will throw up options, such as Free Stock Music. YouTube offers a fantastic service called “Audio Library” where you can download free public domain music for your movie projects. Some have ads and some don’t.

Although YouTube obviously prefers that you eventually upload your work to its site, there is no actual requirement for you to do so.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

I would recommend that you avoid ad-supported music, because there are rules such as countries where the music can’t be played, and the copyright holder can make further rules later on, which you may not like. This would result in you having to redo everything. So play it safe and stick to the free stuff.

You can filter the selections by running time, genre, mood, instruments and duration. You can preview each one, and when you have got the one(s) you want, simply download it/them to your computer.

To get the music into your movie, just import it like you did with the images and video footage. The music will appear as green bars at the top of the software window, next to your images and video footage.

Just drag it with your mouse down below and place it at the beginning of the movie file (underneath the images and/or video footage.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

If the music file is too long, and overruns past the end of your movie, then click where on the track the music should stop, right-click, and choose “Split Clip”. You can then delete the part you don’t need.

OK, you’re almost done. The next thing is to make one small alteration to the music. When music ends, or changes to other music, does it suddenly stop abruptly? No, it fades out quietly. So with the music here at the end, grab the music bars with the mouse and slowly move them to the left. You will then see a bar going from thick to thinner. This is the music fading out. Listen to it and see.

It’s Showtime!

OK, time to publish the final product. Go to “Share” in the top right-hand corner. This gives you a possibility of different places to send to. Or you can choose “File” so the finished product can be placed in the movie file on your computer.

Guide To iMovie Galaxy

So, choose “File” and edit the title of the movie, its description, and its resolution. iMovie will then create a finished file for you. This is not a fast process, so go do something else and come back later. Perhaps you need another cup of coffee?

And that is your basic guide to making a movie on iMovie. There is so much not covered here. But if this tutorial has given you the confidence to explore further, then please do. Perhaps you can spend some of your free time exploring the other options to make high quality video of your own.

Image: Apple

This article, “The Businessperson’s Guide To The iMovie Galaxy” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/the-businesspersons-guide-to-imovie_16.html

Can You Afford to Apply for a Loan?


There’s a lot for a small business owner to think about when preparing a business loan application.

But before you begin to compile documentation, take a step back and ask yourself — “Can I afford to apply for a loan?

Can I afford the repayments?

Does my business have the revenue to actually make the loan payments?”

In short, do you have the ability to pay for this business loan?

Asking these questions will help you think about the loan process from the lender’s point of view.

Can You Pay Back the Loan?

Most lenders use varying tools to determine if your business is worthy of a loan, and whether or not you can, in fact, pay it back.

One tool is a debt service coverage ration (DSCR), which compares the cash that you have available as a business owner (to pay back the loan) and the amount of money you hope to borrow per year, including interest.

Generally, banks are more comfortable offering assistance to businesses that have been in existence for a number of years and have a proven financial track record.

If your business has consistently made a profit and that profit can cover the payment of additional debt, it is likely that your loan will be approved.

If however, your business is a startup or has been operating marginally and has an opportunity to grow, you need to prepare a thorough loan package with a detailed explanation including how the business will be able to repay the loan.

More Importantly, Will You Pay Back the Loan?

Lenders look at more than your business’s finances when they evaluate your loan application. They will also look at you, the business owner, and will likely use another tool to determine your personal aptness for a loan — your debt-to-income ratio.

They’ll evaluate your monthly personal debts (including things like credit card payments and car loans) as well as your housing expenses (mortgage payments as well as homeowners insurance, property taxes, etc.). They’ll divide your total monthly debts by your monthly gross income to get a percentage.

Most lenders prefer debt-to-income ratios under 36 percent.

You can get a step ahead here by calculating your debt-to-income ratio yourself to see if your income far exceeds your debts. If it does, a lender may add some of the excess income to your business’s available cash, which can be helpful for businesses with DSCRs that need a boost.

Lenders may also use your personal credit score to decide if you are worth the risk, ensuring that you have a history of paying your bills. Banks and other traditional lending institutions may place a greater emphasis on credit scores, so if your personal credit isn’t great, you may want to look for other, alternative loan options that are more flexible.

Be Sure to Ask Yourself, “What If?”

Even if you know that you can and will pay back your loan, you have to consider the toughest question of them all — what would you do if you can’t pay it back?

Even with the best intentions and responsible planning, all business owners must have a plan in place in case the business does not work out. A typical backup plan might include assets or collateral that the bank can claim if you’re unable to pay back your loan, or an extra source of cash float that can go toward loan payments.

For many small business owners who don’t have that cushion, the backup plan could be what a lender might call a “personal guarantee” — a promise that if you can’t pay back the loan through your business, you’ll pay it out of pocket.

It goes without saying that assuming personal responsibility for business debt comes with a lot of risk, so be sure to consider your decision carefully. If every single part of your business plan would have to play out perfectly in order for you to pay back your loan, then it may not be time to apply for one yet.

Once you can address the questions above, you’re ready to decide if you should move forward with the loan application process.

ATM Photo via Shutterstock

This article, “Can You Afford to Apply for a Loan?” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/can-you-afford-to-apply-for-loan_16.html