Life After Qaddafi — Libya: A Broken State

Subscribe to VICE News here: Three years after the Libyan revolution and the subsequent downfall of its dictator Muammar Qaddafi, the country has descended further into chaos and insecurity. Rebel militias, radical Islamists and former Qaddafi commander Khalifa Haftar are among the different groups vying for power and oil wealth, creating a vacuum in which violence and militancy reign supreme. VICE News filmmaker Medyan Dairieh was in Libya in 2011 to witness the revolution. This year, he returned to follow members of the 17th February battalion, a rebel group fighting against Haftar’s forces. Dairieh witnessed first-hand how life after the Libyan revolution has devolved into lawlessness and Islamic State-linked extremism. Watch “VICE News Archives: The Rebels of Libya” – Check out “Death Toll Climbs as Fierce Battle to ‘Liberate’ Benghazi Continues” – Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 13:20 More in News & Politics

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The Recovery That Wasn’t: Two Years Since Hurricane Sandy

Subscribe to VICE News here: Two years on, tens of thousands of New Yorkers are still suffering from the effects of Hurricane Sandy, some with homes that remain completely demolished. Many of these residents continue to wait on funding for construction from NYC Build it Back, the program launched by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to allocate the nearly $2 billion in received federal aid. Until recently, the program had exhibited unmanageable bureaucratic problems — as of January this year, there had been no construction under the program. VICE News spoke with those still suffering from the effects of Hurricane Sandy, and investigated what’s being done to bolster New York’s coastal communities and protect the population from future storms. Check out “Here’s What New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio Did For A Troubled Sandy Relief Program” – Check out “$129 Billion Worth of New York City Real Estate Lies in Flood Zones” – Watch “The Coal Vote: Showdown in West Virginia’s Midterm Elections” – Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 17:14 More in News & Politics

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Sentenced to Death by a Crowd: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 86)

Subscribe to VICE News here: During the war, various areas of eastern Ukraine under separatist control have been under the jurisdiction of field commanders, who run these areas under their own laws. VICE News correspondent Simon Ostrovsky traveled to Alchevsk in the Luhansk region to interview Alexei Mozgovoi, who’s been running a “people’s court” in which people are tried for various crimes, from rape to theft, with residents acting as the jury. Follow @simonostrovsky on Twitter here: Click to watch “The Firefighters of Donetsk: Russian Roulette (Dispatch 85)” – Check out “Military Convoys on the Move in Rebel-Held East Ukraine as Donetsk Fighting Intensifies” – Click to watch “The Donetsk People’s Republic” – Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 09:30 More in News & Politics

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Why Do Entrepreneurs Prefer to Start Companies Rather Than Buy Them?

091214 startup

Would-be entrepreneurs favor starting their own businesses to taking over companies already in operation.

A 2012 telephone poll conducted in the 27 member states of the European Union and Brazil, China, Croatia, Iceland, India, Israel, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, the United States, Japan and South Korea by TNS Custom Research asked a representative sample of adults: “If you currently had the means to start your own business, including sufficient funding, would you rather set up a new one or take over an existing one?” Fifty-six percent of Americans responded that they would prefer to “set up a new one,” while only 35 percent would prefer to “take over an existing business.”

The greater preference for starting a new company is consistent over time. A similar survey conducted in 2009 showed that 61 percent of Americans would rather set up a new business, while 30 percent would favor taking over an existing one. A 2007 poll found that 67 percent of Americans would prefer a start-up, while 27 percent would favor an acquisition.

The partiality for starting companies is widespread. In all 41 countries in which the 2012 survey was conducted, more respondents said they would prefer to set up a new business than would prefer to take over an existing one, though in Germany the gap was only one percentage point and in Austria it was only three.

Actual entry into entrepreneurship follows these predilections. When respondents who described themselves as being self-employed were asked how they got into business, 71 percent of Americans and 67 percent of Europeans said they started a business from scratch.

Why do you think people prefer starting a business to acquiring a business as a way to enter entrepreneurship? Is it because acquiring a small business tends to take more capital than creating a new one? Is it because people don’t know how to find the gems among existing small businesses for sale? Is it because people want to introduce a particular product or type of enterprise they think is missing in the marketplace? Or is it another reason entirely? I’d like to hear readers’ thoughts on this question.

Photo Photo via Shutterstock

The post Why Do Entrepreneurs Prefer to Start Companies Rather Than Buy Them? appeared first on Small Business Trends.

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VICE News Daily: Beyond The Headlines – November 12, 2014

Subscribe to VICE News here: The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines.​ Today: Indian women die after undergoing sterilization procedures sponsored by the government, Peru to charge Hezbollah member arrested with explosives in Lima, Saudi Arabia steps up patrols on southern border amid territorial gains by Yemen’s Shia Houthi rebels, and city legislator in St. Petersburg vows to annul what may be Russia’s first official same-sex marriage. INDIA Women Die After Undergoing Sterilization Operations At least 10 dead and dozens hospitalized following procedure sponsored by the government to slow population growth. PERU Authorities to Charge Hezbollah Member Arrested With Explosives The man entered the country with falsified documents and was reportedly plotting to attack Israeli targets. SAUDI ARABIA Increased Border Patrol Amid Gains by Yemen’s Houthi Rebels Saudi officials worry the vulnerable southern border could become a haven for smugglers, migrants, and extremist groups such as al Qaeda. RUSSIA St. Petersburg Official Promises to Nullify LGBT Marriage Two women were legally married at city hall because one of them, who is undergoing hormone therapy, is still listed as a man on her passport. Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 02:35 More in News & Politics

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VICE News Daily: Beyond The Headlines – November 17, 2014

Subscribe to VICE News here: The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines.​ Today: Suicide bomb attack injures female Afghan politician, Pakistan claims more than 1,200 Taliban killed in North Waziristan since June, U.S. government to grant conditional refugee status to young Central American migrants, and Egyptian militant group releases video of attacks on soldiers in Sinai last month. AFGHANISTAN Female MP Targeted in Kabul Attack Shukria Barakzai, a feminist and vocal critic of the Taliban, was injured in the attack. PAKISTAN Military Claims Success in North Waziristan Top commander says more than 1,200 Taliban militants killed since June. U.S.A. Refugee Status for Some Central American Migrants The program goes into effect in December. It applies to people under 21 who live in El Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala, and whose parents are legal U.S. residents. EGYPT Militant Group Releases Video of Sinai Attacks ​Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis renamed itself Sinai Province last week after pledging allegiance to the Islamic State. Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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Time: 02:42 More in News & Politics

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