Small Business Saturday Is Coming

Small Business SaturdayEDITComing up on Nov. 29 is Small Business Saturday, an event founded by American Express to promote small businesses. Register to get up to $30 back when you Shop Small by spending $10 or more at participating businesses. Your business can also participate with this event by becoming a part of the American Express Shop Small movement.

A little further out on the calendar is the Affiliate Management Days Conference on March 30 to April 1, 2015. This event will be held in San Francisco and offers insight into how other online retailers are successfully implementing and managing their affiliate programs. Keynote speakers are Ben Edelman, Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, and Kerri Pollard, President of CJ Affiliate by Conversant. If you are interested you’ve got time to book your flight and hotel.

The call for nominations for the OPEN Forum: Government Contracting Awards is still open. This event from American Express is in honor of small businesses with great government contracting success stories. The goal is to help small business owners capitalize on the growth opportunity of doing business with the government. Nominations end Nov. 28, 2014.

To see a full list or to submit your own event, contest or award listing, visit the Small Business Events Calendar.

Featured Events, Contests and Awards

Small Business Government Contracting Awards Small Business Government Contracting Awards

Nov. 28, 2014, Online

The small business Government Contracting Awards from American Express OPEN are now open for applications. The awards, now in their fifth year, recognize stand-out small business contractors in the following categories: Contractor of the Year; Woman Government Contractor of the Year; Teaming Government Contractor of the Year; and On-the-Rise Government Contractor of the Year.

Small Business Saturday Small Business Saturday

Nov. 29, 2014, Nationally

American Express founded Small Business Saturday in 2010 to help small businesses get more customers. Small Business Saturday is Nov. 29, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and it has grown from a day to a powerful movement. Both shoppers and sellers can participate.

AM DAYS Affiliate Management Days Conference AM DAYS Affiliate Management Days Conference

March 30, 2015, San Francisco, CA

The Affiliate Management Days San Francisco 2015 conference is an event for marketing managers and those responsible for their company’s affiliate marketing strategy, management and operations. Whether you have an existing affiliate program or you’re creating a new initiative, AM Days provides insight into how others are successfully implementing and managing their affiliate programs.

More Events

More Contests

This weekly listing of small business events, contests and awards is provided as a community service by Small Business Trends and SmallBizTechnology.

Small Business Saturday photo via Shutterstock

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