One Million Subscribers! A Thank You from Shane Smith

Subscribe to VICE News here: VICE founder Shane Smith says thank you to our one million VICE News YouTube channel subscribers, all the way from Antarctica. Shane Smith Strips Down for 2,000,000 Subscribers! – Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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The Climate Corporation Takes Farming High Tech

farming high tech

The farming industry is going high-tech. And it isn’t necessarily just to increase output. For some farmers, using more technology has become a necessity thanks to changing climate conditions.

Founded by two former Google engineers, The Climate Corporation is a provider of tech services and products for farmers. The company utilizes data as a tool to combat the difficulties farmers face thanks to changing weather patterns. CEO David Friedberg told CNN:

“The increasing uncertainty in agriculture, with the changing patterns of weather we are seeing, is making it difficult for farmers to grow successful crops consistently. The tools we provide help farmers make smarter decisions based on analytical techniques, rather than intuition.”

To accomplish this goal, the company offers a number of tools. The free platform gives farmers a way to monitor their land and crops. It uses satellite imaging, growth modeling and simulations to give hyper-local forecasts for each individual farm. This can help farmers better make decisions about how they utilize their resources. There’s also a Pro version that includes extra features to optimize things like use of nitrogen fertilizer, pest control and harvest planning.

To date, the agriculture industry hasn’t done much to take advantage of technology on a wide scale. But The Climate Corporation’s founders think that their tools can not only save farmers money, but also help reduce their carbon footprints.

If each farmer can better utilize their own resources, less will be needed overall. And for an industry that occupies almost half of the planet’s total land, those extra resources can make a big difference.

The Climate Corporation isn’t the only company that’s working to integrate data into the farming industry. Edyn is a California startup that launched because of one of the state’s worst droughts. The company produces a sensor that allows farmers to micro-manage their plots to give only the optimal amount of moisture to each area.

This is another company with the goal of saving farmers money while also slowing the use of natural resources and harmful materials. Founder Jason Aramburu told CNN:

“If we do nothing, more farmers will have to leave their land over the next decades…which means creating new farmland, which would have a dramatic environmental impact.”

Image: The Climate Corporation

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3 Sound Tips for Rebounding From Career Setbacks

rebounding from career setbacks

Most experts out there give really bad advice when it relates to the topic of career setbacks –- or failures, as many of us would label them.

So often, we’re told to take a deep inward breath, then breathe all the pain and frustration out. We’re advised to forget and move on, to meditate, or to blame our follies on something external, since it’s not good to carry the weight of failure around with us for too long.

Effective career rebound, as science and medicine is learning, has a lot more to it than jumping in the shower and doing a one-time cleansing to wash the disappointment away. You will need to face defeat in the face, but there are lots of great tricks for rebounding from career setbacks and turning a negative into a positive.

1. Get out of your “Blame Game Funk” ASAP

The blame game is one of the most popular exercises people use to get over personal and career failures when rebounding from career setbacks. The truth is that we do need to blame somebody, perhaps even ourselves. However, the blame game is actually your biggest hurdle in moving past any setback.

Even more scary, if you spend a lot of time blaming yourself for the things that happen, you’re very likely to develop a case of “fear of failure” that will stick with you for the rest of your life:

  • If it’s your fault, accept the blame. Figure out the internal and external forces that led you there and resolve to do better next time.
  • If you’ve wronged someone, go out of your way to apologize and start taking steps to make things right, so you’re not carrying the weight of that blame around with you wherever you go.
  • If you’re sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that someone else has crippled your progress in some way, figure out what factors led to that point and don’t let them affect you ever again. Did you ignore the obvious warning signs? Do they have a history of doing this to others? Were they stepping over you to get ahead?
  • It’s important to run through everything quickly, so you can learn from the setback and move on.

2. Some Things are Just Beyond Your Control

“Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

This is particularly relevant to those victimized by downsizing and/or massive industry shifts. Companies restructure themselves all the time, markets dry up, focus shifts. Despite the fact that people can’t control these factors, the jilted employee or entrepreneur who’s lost his or her business can easily resolve to sit around stewing about the loss of career and income, rather than rebounding from the setback immediately.

This rebound hurdle can crisscross paths with the blame game too, but it’s actually a factor all unto itself, since the blame couldn’t possibly be your own. How many people do you know who sit around on their butts, collecting unemployment or burning up their savings because their job was eliminated and “there’s nothing out there right now?”

  • The fact is, you are a valuable commodity, and things dried up in one way or another. It’s the past now.
  • The longer you sit around stewing, the more your short and possibly long-term confidence is affected.
  • Get right back in the game and find ways to ensure you’re more sheltered from forces out of your control in the future: i.e., develop multiple income streams, save more money, start investing some of your money.

3. Take the Setback as a Sign

Sometimes, life seemingly slaps people in the face for a reason. Shark Tank villain Kevin O’Leary is a great example of someone who saw the forest for the trees very early on. He was fired from his first and only job at an ice cream shop on only his second day. This was his “aha moment” where he realized that working for someone else just wasn’t for him. There are countless entrepreneurial success stories that mirror Kevin’s story.

What if instead he had resolved to get another job, perhaps in another ice cream shop and do everything he could not to get fired again? He would have never become the Canadian equivalent to the likes of Richard Branson or Donald Trump. Read this long story, riddled with his failures and successes.

  • Sometimes a failure is life’s way of saying “You hated this job/owning this company and it’s time to find something more fulfilling.”
  • Looking for another foothold in a career or industry you can’t stand is akin to beating a long-dead, rotting, maggot-filled horse. That horse has moved on, perhaps that’s what you need to do as well!
  • Shifting to a new industry after a setback is invigorating and therapeutic.

Crossroads Photo via Shutterstock

The post 3 Sound Tips for Rebounding From Career Setbacks appeared first on Small Business Trends.

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VICE News Daily: Beyond The Headlines – November 18, 2014

Subscribe to VICE News here: The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines.​ Today: Kenyan women demonstrate against sexual violence, former foreign minister of Burkina Faso appointed interim president, Thai police in search of American tourists who tried to ship preserved body parts to Las Vegas, and Polish scientists use 3D technology to treat disabled and autistic children. KENYA Protest Against Sexual Violence Draws Large Crowds in Nairobi Nearly a thousand women marched in solidarity with a woman who was stripped naked by a group of men almost two weeks ago. BURKINA FASO Former Foreign Minister Named Transitional President Michel Kafando will choose a prime minister to form a government until elections are held late next year. THAILAND American Tourists Questioned for Trying to Ship Body Parts A DHL shipping depot in Bangkok intercepted packages containing a baby’s head and foot, an adult heart, and a sheet of tattooed skin. POLAND 3D Technology Seeks to Improve Therapy for Children Scientists have created an application that they believe helps kids with Down syndrome and autism stay focused for longer periods of time. Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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