Elizabeth Gore of Dell, Empowering Entrepreneurs Around the World

elizabeth gore dell empowering entrepreneurs

Dell Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) Elizabeth Gore recently spoke with Small Business Trends in an exclusive interview about what Dell has in the works for small business entrepreneurs, as well as what the company has planned for Small Business Week.

Global information technology giant Dell appointed an entrepreneur-in-residence to extend its reach among global customers and to advocate for global entrepreneur programs and policies, the company recently announced.

Gore joined Dell in February to drive and support Dell initiatives to help small and medium-sized businesses “scale and prosper, fueling the expansion of global entrepreneurship, thereby creating jobs that will drive the world economy.”

She told Small Business Trends in an interview:

“Entrepreneurs are the foundation for innovation, economic growth and job creation. We work to empower entrepreneurs around the world by providing them with the tools, technology and resources they need to be successful. For today’s entrepreneurs to grow and the world economy to benefit, global leaders, policy makers and the public and private sectors must create a better global climate in which high-potential entrepreneurs everywhere can thrive.”

Dell’s advocacy efforts, she noted, center on increasing the access small businesses have to four key “pillars,” technology, markets, capital and talent.

“Technology is dramatically cutting down the costs to start a business, and businesses can’t scale without it, so we view technology as the great equalizer that will drive innovation and spur job creation,” Gore said.

But Gore says its also important to clear away some of the obstacles facing small businesses.

For example, eight out of 10 small businesses fail within their first 18 months.

Starting a new business today “is an uphill climb — and regulatory issues are often cited as one of the main reasons,” Gore explains.

She says Dell is also pushing for conditions around the world that result in a better climate for entrepreneurship.

“Dell works with its customers, suppliers and employees to promote United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8, which calls for the support of entrepreneurs by promoting sustained, inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.”

During National Small Business Week, Gore noted, Dell has been partnering with Northside Media to host a series of Small Business Innovation Meet-ups. Events have already taken place in Miami (May 4) and New York (May 5) with another set for Chicago (May 7).

The series has been featuring discussions led by top entrepreneurs from each city exploring business owners’ needs at the local level.

Technology has been a centerpiece of the discussions, Gore said. “The right technologies can serve as a secret weapon for success and growth.”

Image: Powermore.Dell.com

This article, “Elizabeth Gore of Dell, Empowering Entrepreneurs Around the World” was first published on Small Business Trends

from Blogger http://evangelinagius.blogspot.com/2015/05/elizabeth-gore-of-dell-empowering.html

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