Productivity Hacks Served Up in High Trending Twitter Chat

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Are you a productivity superstar, always looking for ways to get more done in less time?

There have been apps designed and articles aplenty written on the subject, of course. But sometimes it’s best to simply ask your peers.

Learn more in this high-trending Twitter chat on Small Business Productivity Hacks. The event was hosted by Small Business Trends CEO and founder Anita Campbell (@SmallBizTrends) and Senior Vice President of Global Head of SMB Product at First Data Corporation, Peter Karpas (@FirstData).

You’ll read about both tips and tools to improve productivity in your business and in your life. Read excerpts from the chat below or check the full archive at #SMBTalk.

Do you see the answers to your most burning questions below?

First, here are some important tips from Data First.

So what kills productivity?

And for another chance to win a First Data Gyft Certificate, participants talked about their favorite productivity apps.

Meanwhile, members of the chat gave a few other productivity tips all small business owners might find helpful.  

It’s your turn. Do you have any productivity tips or tools to suggest?
Disclosure: Anita Campbell has been compensated to participate in this Twitter chat.
Image: Twitter

This article, “Productivity Hacks Served Up in High Trending Twitter Chat” was first published on Small Business Trends

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