China Strikes Back: Talking Heads

Subscribe to VICE News here: In the first episode of Talking Heads, Orville Schell discusses his New York Review of Books essay, “China Strikes Back.” Schell recently joined Jimmy Carter on a visit to China, where the former president received a less-than-warm welcome by the country’s leaders. Schell argues that this reflects a dramatic shift in US-China relations. In his years of public service, Jimmy Carter is arguably best known for his work in establishing diplomatic relations with China. But 35 years after the creation of these ties, how close are the US and China? VICE News sat down with Schell to discuss the significance of the diplomatic slight against Carter, and how the US might benefit from better understanding the “China Dream.” Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:

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