Thousands Mourn Murdered Kremlin Critic: VICE News Capsule, March 2

The VICE News Capsule is a news roundup that looks beyond the headlines. Today: Day of mourning for slain Russian opposition figure Boris Nemtsov, new offensive targets Rwandan rebels in the eastern D.R. Congo, some Libyan migrant centers are ill-equipped to care for thousands fleeing Africa, and Spanish police arrest group suspected of creating and selling knockoff artwork. RUSSIA Thousands Honor Assassinated Opposition Figure Boris Nemtsov was shot dead on Friday night as he walked across a bridge near the Kremlin. D.R. CONGO Military Seizes Rebel Strongholds in the Embattled East The government has launched a fresh offensive against Rwandan Hutu rebels in North and South Kivu. LIBYA Poor Conditions in Migrant Centers Little funding and a lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for centers to provide care to the thousands of African migrants trying to reach Europe. SPAIN Police Bust Fake Art Gang in Valencia The group sold knockoffs of works by popular artists such as Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol and others. Subscribe to VICE News here: Check out VICE News for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: More videos from the VICE network:

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